Tuesday 26 October 2021


Regarding the ' stupid choice ' of deciding not to proceed with the quest, I've toyed with the notion of writing an adventure titled YOU ARE THE LAZY HERO which would offer several options.

YOU could refuse outright to take up the mission in which case its GAME OVER.

OR - YOU could begin the journey and then at some point say to yourself - " Sod this, I'm off to the nearest tavern. "

OR - YOU could actually attempt to complete the mission while acting in a cowardly way, avoiding danger at every opportunity. In which case, you wouldn't get very far.


  1. I really like the idea Ed! Have the ability to refuse a mission and live a happy normal life.

  2. Ive been burned once or twice by those "deciding not to take up the quest" options just because I was so curious to see if the author was actually bold enough to have it end right there. And sure enough they were. So I guess the joke was on me!

  3. Hey guys, thanks for the comments and apologies for the belated reply - I haven't checked back here in ages ! I really must update this blog with a new review.
